Dave Tager founded Tager&Co. in 2009 after more than 20 years of experience as a communications strategist, most recently as the co-head of the global Financial Communications practice at FleishmanHillard, where he also started and built the firm’s Business Media Relations Group. He graduated from Williams College with a B.A. in Economics.
He started Tager&Co. knowing that there was a much better way to align strategy and communications to get results that actually propel organizations forward. He was committed to providing the experience and critical thinking to analyze complex challenges, develop the right strategies and execute at the highest level.
Tager&Co. was soon being engaged for business consulting as much as for PR and other communications support. This hybrid consultancy requires talent with a rare combination of skills: the analytical prowess to dissect the most complex situations, the intellectual agility to cross vastly different industries and issues and the writing acumen to communicate in the clearest, most compelling way.
Zoia Alexanian joined Tager&Co. in 2010 after completing a double masters at Cambridge University as a Hershel Smith Scholar. Like Tager, she graduated from Williams College. A double major in Chemistry and English, Zoia’s background in life sciences, her writing expertise, and her workstyle make her invaluable to clients across industries, including biotech, workforce development, financial services and professional services.
Every client is guaranteed the team of Dave and Zoia.
If you’re ready to take your organization to the next level of success and want to discuss how we can help, call 917.502.0339 or email dtager@tagerco.com.